Recruitment Ideas
From Lori: We came up with several ideas for recruitment of new team members. Please consider the list below and add comments on any additions or suggestions.
•medical community (ex. cardiology, phys therapy, etc.)--for patients
who want/need exercise
•JCC--could we do a presentation there?
•YM/YWCA--downtown (Ada goes there)
•College rowing teams--at least those that shut down during the summer
•Gyms/Fitness Centers
•Diabetes Walk-a-Thon & any other Walk-a-Thons
•Practice (in uniform) where crowds of people are, ex. near the ballpark
when there's a game
I think we should recruit on July 4th at the regatta (maybe on July 3rd too??) - have a dragon boat there to take out prospects, have brochures and us actively recruiting - get names and addresses for follow-up, etc. This will take some organization, but we need to know first if there is a way to do this: Can we set up a booth for no charge? Can we get the boat down there and tie it up? Etc??
Regarding the other comments, was there any discussion about how to implement those ideas? Ideas are just a starting point - we have to go the next step.
All the ideas for finding people seem like they might work, but we also have to pay some attention to what we do when we have found them.
Carolyn and I did a very short presentation at Weight Watchers last week, and there were quite a few people interested. We handed out the cards for the recreation team because that was all we had.
So ...
1) we definitely need to get supplies of an updated Paddlefish team brochure, or get all that information on the three rivers website.
2) we need to be able to say when people can come and try out paddling, be it a defined practise time, or a special open house, or something like River games.
3) we need to follow up after people try out paddling - make sure someone talks to them about joining etc, email them to get their reaction or comments.
Another event that may attract potential recruits is the triathalon on July 11th (or the pasta party the night before): .
I agree that we need to build some strategies around the identified recruiting events so that we have a common and focused message and a way to follow up afterwards. One question that's still out there, I think, is in what sense this is a "competitive" team/activity. How are we going to describe ourselves to prospective teammates so that we're not selling them a pig in a poke?
Regarding--what our team is all about--I can only give my perspective: I see it as an excellent way to get/keep in shape, it's better than a gym because you have teammates to encourage you and coaches to force you into working out---it's like a gym with a personal trainer and camaraderie. The social aspects of being on a team are just another bonus. This explains why I like the team; it also helps justify the cost--it may be the same or a little more money than a gym/health club membership but you get so much more out of it. For me, the competition comes after the fact---I don't do it to compete but once I'm in shape competing is fun. The eventual traveling to other festivals is another plus.
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