
It Takes a Damn Good Team!

The TRRA annual campaign, It Takes A Team, is just two weeks from the finish line. The Paddlefish have done an absolutely incredible job of jumping on the boat and paddling this campaign toward a winning finish -- currently, over 30% of the participants in the campaign are Paddlefish!

Think about that. Overall, we make up a relatively small percentage of the TRRA membership and program participant numbers, but when it comes to moving TRRA forward, we're there in force. We ARE the engine room!

So huge congratulations to everyone who has participated (85+% of the Pfish have already turned in pledges). You're great!!!!!!!!!

P.S. Congratulations to Jill Markl, who won this afternoon's drawing for the $100 shopping spree at the TRRA crew shop! Jill's the captain of the women's Masters Team at TRRA (and the source of the cool Water Women tee shirts you may have seen around the boat house!).


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