
Saturday Practice + A Bit of a Poem

Practice Tomorrow (Saturday, November 13): Please come to the Millvale Boat House by 9 prepared to go out on the water OR work out indoors. It’s supposed to be cold but sunny, so we’ll see how cold it really is before making a decision on whether to be on the water (we’ll need someone in a launch) or indoors.

We’ll head down to Pamela’s after practice to re-connect in pancake fellowship. I would normally tell you to tuck some money in your sports bra for that (even though we’re not paddling down to the Strip), but given the weather maybe I should encourage you to tuck some money into a wool cap!

For your weekend reading pleasure, an excerpt from a poem by Pauline Johnson:

And up on the hills against the sky,
A fir tree rocking its lullaby,
Swings, swings,
Its emerald wings,
Swelling the song that my paddle sings.


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